A few students at The University of Advancing Technology got into the Christmas hacking spirit this weekend and surprised the campus attendants on Monday morning with a TCP/IP enabled Christmas tree. The tree has been the centerpiece of holiday decorations at the university for the past few years, casting a static white glow across the commons late into the night. Static no more, the tree now hosts a web page from an embedded PINK Ethernet module. The page allows access to a Basic Stamp microcontroller preprogrammed with switching patterns for a set of solid state relays connected to the lights. The sectional nature of artificial trees made controlling the lights as simple as plugging in each level of the tree to a relay. Credit goes to these guys.

You can visit the UATree's embedded site at:
(The site may be up and down, busy or flooded, and so on)
Visit our University's page at
(Heavy on Flash)

You can visit the UATree's embedded site at:
(The site may be up and down, busy or flooded, and so on)
Visit our University's page at
(Heavy on Flash)